Exclusive vacations in Riccione: every possibility for those who love privacy

Exclusive Here some useful suggestions for those not interested in abiding by the rules. They can choose between sky and sea. The lovers of open spaces can book a balloon ride at dawn or dusk. Departure Point: "Federico Fellini” International Airport; Price: 60 euro; Maximum capacity: four people (infoline 0541-308434; 0549-908923).

Those looking for utmost privacy can rent a rubber dinghy provided with mini-bar, Hi-Fi, deckchairs and snorkeling equipment at Manila Grace, just in the heart of Riccione's canal harbour (Viale Dante - Via Bellini). Nautical licence is not required and prices may vary according to the lenght of the excursion and the number of people involved (fuel and insurance included). Booking is strongly recommended since demand is very high, especially at weekends. (334.3423157, Andrea). The most daring ones can even ask for proper water skiing equipment.

Not to be missed is Blu Nautica Boat Hire Company in Portoverde: it rents out boats of different lengths which give guests the opportunity to explore the whole of the coast and to reach charming and intimate resorts (info and booking 348-2931903, Luca).

It is also possible to rent charming vacation homes provided with lush gardens which overlook the sea front. (0541-615023).

If you are lazy and just want to be rocked by waves, book sailing boats and enjoy the supervision of skilled skippers in Portoverde or Riccione. 347-2666180 (Maurizio).

Enjoy utmost romanticism both at lunch and dinner in the promontory of Gabicce, situated halfway between Emilia-Romagna and the Marches. Suggested restaurants: La Gioconda (Via dell'Orizzonte 2, 0541-962295), la Taverna del Pescatore, Casteldimezzo (0721-208100), and Posillipo (0541-953373), an outstanding 4-star hotel.

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